National Olympic Committee of Thailand
Major Policies
1) To carry forward the Olympic Movement, strictly following in the footsteps of Mr. Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the International Olympic Committee, without allowing any other influences to interfere with or discourage us, within the framework of sporting activities and a limited budget.
2) To maintain independence in overseeing the selection of athletes and sending them to participate in the Olympic Games, Asian Games, SEA Games, or other competitions under the sponsorship of the International Olympic Committee, with support from the governmental and private sectors.
3) To encourage and support amateur sports, physical education, and arts and culture by close cooperation and coordination with the Amateur Athletics Associations of Thailand, the Sports Authority of Thailand, and all sporting agencies of the governmental and private sectors, including organizations related to sports medicine, in order to lead the nation’s sports toward excellence at every level.
4) To provide for the welfare and education of athletes and coaches who participate in international competitions, in order to nurture their morale and willpower.
5) To organize a sports museum and library as a place for orderly display of equipment, accessories, and souvenirs, including printed documents. These will be useful for the education and research of future generations about the history of the Thai Olympic Movement, SEA Games, Asian Games, and Olympic Games.
6) To manage and prepare for systematic reorganization according to changing technological, economic, and political conditions, recognizing the need for understanding and accepting changing priorities:
– Developing communications technology.
– Defining sustainable means to achieve useful long-term goals, such as public relations, welfare funds, technical institutes, news centers, development of rules, and sports science.
– Technical and medical developments for sports associations, in partnership with the Sports Authority of Thailand and Department of Physical Education.
7) To coordinate with the governmental and private sectors to push forward the construction of the National Sport Training Center, which will serve as a training center for athletes on national teams who will participate in international competitions at any level on behalf of Thailand.
8) To coordinate with the International Olympic Committee, Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC), International Federations of sports (Ifs), and other certified international sports organizations, in order to develop toward the ideals of those international sports commissions.