Establishment of the Olympic Committee of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of H.M the King

History of the Olympic Committee of Thailand
In the year 1946, the International Relations Committee for Sports was established with the objective to provide an opportunity for foreigners residing in Thailand after World War II to play and compete in sports. The income collected from ticket sales was used to support the Thai Red Cross Society and sports activities for the public.
Later, a meeting of this committee concluded that there should be an Olympic organization to carry out these activities, with the objective of developing friendly relations with other countries by means of sports. Therefore, the Olympic Committee of Thailand was established on June 20, 1948, and a letter was sent to the International Olympic Committee at Lausanne, Switzerland on July 22, 1948 to request formal recognition. The request was considered at the International Olympic Committee meeting at Copenhagen, Denmark on May 15, 1950, which unanimously approved formal recognition of the Olympic Committee of Thailand.
The Royal Patronage of H.M. the King
At the same time when the Olympic Committee of Thailand was requesting formal recognition by the International Olympic Committee, they also requested the Royal Patronage of H.M. the King, in order to honor His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej (also known as Rama IX). This practice is customary in various countries that are governed by a monarchy.
His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej granted his Royal Patronage, as conveyed by His Majesty’s Royal Secretary, on December 26, 1949. His Majesty also performed the overwhelming kindness of providing the Symbol of the Olympic Committee of Thailand as transmitted by His Majesty’s Royal Secretary on January 8, 1951.

NOCT – National Olympic Committee of Thailand
Office of the Olympic Committee of Thailand
At present, the Olympic Committee of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the King has its permanent office at 226 Ampawan House, Sri Ayudhaya Road, Bangkok 10300, THAILAND.